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Regardless of the millennial stereotypes that exist, some of which may or may not be true, one thing is for sure: millennials care about their health. Evidenced by the rise in popularity of health food retailers and gym memberships, it is safe to say millennials are striving to be the healthiest generation yet. This sentiment is reflected in what they have come to expect from their employee benefit packages.

Sure, cafes in the office or a dog-friendly workspace might rank as important amenities for millennials, but overall, young professionals are looking for healthcare benefits that coincide with their health-conscious, busy lifestyles.

One study found that 34 percent of millennials said that health coverage was the most important employee benefit to them. That means, despite the misconception that all millennials stay on their parents’ insurance until they are 26, many new to the workforce are looking for affordable health coverage. But, what does America’s largest living generation, comprised of nearly 80 million individuals, truly value in their health coverage?


That’s right — millennials are no exception when it comes to the most prominent health coverage pain point. Money — the factor that is on the minds of every American, regardless of generation — is a major millennial healthcare consideration.

Two thirds of millennials say that premiums at or above $200 is too expensive. Of course, all employees are frugal when it comes to monthly bills, but employers should recognize that millennials new to the workforce will be especially keen on saving on premiums —  even if that comes at the cost of high deductibles.


A generation raised on the instant gratification offered by today’s technology have come to expect a similar level of convenience in all areas of life — including health insurance. Millennials are far less likely to follow the traditional healthcare path that often leads policyholders into dead ends. Instead, millennials are turning to time- and cost-efficient alternatives to doctor visits.

One study found that less than a quarter of millennials have primary care physicians. Instead, many are turning to telemedicine and walk-in clinics as a means of convenient and cheap care.

Telemedicine is a cutting-edge technology that allows members to conference with certified physicians from their computer, smartphone or tablet — akin to a Skype video call. This is a major perk for millennials looking for healthcare on-demand.  According to a recent study, 52 percent of consumers are interested in video visits for post-surgical or inpatient follow-up, while 20 percent of consumers are in need of video visits for middle of the night care.

Virtual doctor’s appointments are a win/win for employees and employers alike. The average telemedicine appoints costs around $45 per visit compared to a $200 urgent care visit. This means individuals and companies pay less on claims when there are easy-to-use alternatives to in-person doctor visits.


Millennials are still learning the complicated, convoluted healthcare system, so they value support tools that will help them navigate the confusing world of coverage. Thirty-five percent of millennials say they are confused by healthcare (but aren’t we all?), so they need a little extra guidance from industry experts. Apta Health’s proven Care Coordination feature is the best way to traverse the maze of the healthcare industry, and ultimately prevent wasteful and redundant spending.

Apta Health offers a more engaging and empathetic approach to healthcare that bridges the gap of misunderstanding. All phone calls go to expertly trained Care Coordinators who work alongside a team of nurses, case managers, utilization management experts, health coaches and disease management specialists. With this added support, millennials will have a dependable lifeline to turn to when they are unsure how to proceed in the event of a health issue.

All aspects of patient advocacy and benefits delivery are subject to Care Coordination including:

  • Claims

  • Referrals

  • Prescriptions

  • Treatment decisions based on estimated costs

  • Quote benefits

  • Claims resolution advocacy

  • Confirmation that members are using in-network or top tier providers

  • Information on wellness incentives

  • Learning about lifestyle programs

Apta Health even offers a way for millennials to connect with Care Coordinators through the channels they are most comfortable with. The My Care Coordinators app allows users access to Care Coordination from mobile devices, offering key services such as finding in-network providers, accessing ID cards, checking claims information, scheduling a call with a Care Coordinator and much more.

Apta Health is the first of its kind, offering Fortune 500 self-funding health benefits to mid-market employers. By pairing Care Coordination with the best cost-savings measures on the market, Apta Health proactively uncovers wasteful spending for employers and offers a better, more compassionate healthcare experience for employees. And, for health-conscious millennials, it’s a cost-effective, modern solution that bends the trend in health care — which is exactly what they expect. Contact Apta Health to learn more about the cost-savings potential of this groundbreaking alternative to full-coverage health insurance.


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